Swaddle App Design

UX/UI Design / Brand Identity / Graphic Design

​​​​​​​Swaddle is an app designed to help new parents easily track useful information about their newborn. The app provides recommendations for what the normal amount of several key areas are, based on the baby's age.

  • Tools Used

    Illustrator, After Effects, XD, Dimension, Premiere Pro

  • Year


  • Purpose

    School Project - Conestoga College (Studio V)


Problems to solve

  • New parents are often unfamiliar and unsure of what to expect when it comes to taking good care of their newborn.

  • Many don’t know the recommended amount of sleep their newborn needs, how much food they need, and how many wet and dirty diapers are considered normal.

  • This can often make parents feel anxious and worried because they want to be prepared and know how to properly take care of their child.

  • They want to make sure that their child is being cared for properly and that they are developing at a normal rate.


Goals & Objectives

The app will function as a place where parents can track useful information about their newborn and get a recommended amount based on their age. (Number of dirty & wet diapers, how much sleep, how long/how much to feed). ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The app will help new parents feel less stressed and overwhelmed, and will help them overcome these emotions with peace and security. Swaddle will help parents by giving them peace that they are doing a good job caring for their baby by providing a place to track their baby’s progress and give them useful tips, and reminders.


  • Use simple language

  • Make everything easy to read

  • Make the wording as concise as possible

  • Give fewer options so the user doesn’t feel overwhelmed

  • Eliminate unnecessary options

  • Make questions simple and straightforward


The Solution

The solution is an app that is easily understandable, simple, and can help new parents easily track information about their newborn and provide helpful recommendations and tips about their baby based on their tracking information.

An app that is easy to understand & use with simple language throughout and is able to take some of the stress and worries away that come from caring for a newborn. This app gives the mother and father peace and security that they are doing a good job caring for their newborn through the use of badges, encouragements, useful tips and reminders.


Logo Explanation

  • Lowercase, rounded type: friendly, inviting & approachable

  • Logo mark: a tracking icon

  • Logo mark: negative space depicts a swaddled baby

  • Swaddling a baby gives the baby comfort, and makes them feel safe, & secure. And the Swaddle app does just that - it gives the parents peace and security that they are doing a good job caring for their baby

Process Work & Planning